Welcome to the dream worldwe all shall enter in,you don't need to be invited, the door will open freely,you will see all of the beauty,you will hear the music play.you won't be back till morning,you all will have to stay.In this world there is flying, and eating great feast and wines,there will be honored guest,we won't know who to find.the trail will lead to nowhere,the road is in the bay,if you are not careful,you'll surely loose your way.The animals they can talk,but people they can not,things are not what they appear to be,cold will feel quite hot.And just when things get hairy,you'll find yourself back home,only to start over,not knowing where to roam.A butterfly will lead you,the moon will be your light,whenever you go left,you'll end up on the right.The water will be waist deep,but never will ye drown,the teacher will be watching,having a face of a clown.When all is said and done,and time is overdue,we'll end up where we started,with just a scratch or two.Never fear my darling,it's all in good fun,alone you're not frightened,because theres only one.Blessed Be,
NovemberA golden roasted pheasant,sits upon a china dish,sweet potatoe dumplings,a broken loaf of wheat,with lucious plump red berries, all saucy in a bowl.Standing on a platform, a nutcake bunted so.You're invited to the Harvest,and this shall be the mode,a smile, a thankful manner,and formal gown of gold.We all shall have a tophat,with black scarves and a watch.A shawl and fine flowers,to wear upon our breast.Your hair must be upswept,and everything in place.For this is the Harvest Dinner,the best of this years take.When arriving you will be greated,and given a lucky charm,appetizers will be ready,and the fire will be warm.The children will be singing,a lovely, happy tune.We'll dance in the ballroom,until it reaches noon.Then we'll gather in a circle,and praise the Goddess much,ribbons will be given,with a magic touch.When the meal is in full fashion,and everyone is here,the elders will tell stories,we all shall gather near.The babies, they'll be sleeping,The children tuckered out.The teens are roasting Hazel Sticks,and laughing round about.The grownups they all love it,That's why they're thankful so.The look that's in their eyes,will never ever go.When midnight comes the wind will howl,and also the timberwolves.Beds and teas are waiting,with quilts piled to the roofs.Nightshirts are in the wardrobe,a bedwarmer placed for you.Goodnight a dream is waiting,until the morning dew.With hotcakes at the break of dawn,and then a goodby kiss,horse and buggy on the lawn,awaits a day like this.A thank you,and a parting smile,a basket of buns,to last awhile.We'll see you at Yule,till then adiou,don't forget,we love you.RSVPOver The River and Through The Woods,at Grandmas House,Blessed Be,Allyssum Wildcraft